Stock reports

Here is a brief description of the reports available for you to find information out about your stock items.

You can run these report from the Reports section on the Stock list or from the Stock > Reports section of the menu.

Stock sales

Report Type Report Description
Monthly Product Sales

Monthly Product Sales


Monthly Product Sales By Customer

Monthly Product Sales By Customer By Product Group

Monthly Product Sales By Product Group By Customer

Shows the quantity and value of sales per stock item per calendar month.

These are additionally grouped and totalled depending on the report selected.

Sales By Product

Sales By Product

Sales By Product By Customer

Sales By Product By Customer By Product Group

Sales By Product By Product Group

Sales By Product By Product Group By Customer

Shows the quantity and value of sales per stock item. You can see two versions:

  • Detailed - Also shows a list of invoices and credit notes.
  • Summary - Only shows the total value and quantity.

The sales of each stock item are additionally grouped and totalled depending on the report selected.


Report Type Report Description
  Stock Levels Shows the current stock levels - (current level, allocated, and free stock) for all items per warehouse. Stock items are listed per product group.
  Stock Sales Order Shortfalls

Shows the number of items required to fulfil outstanding sales orders. The free stock, reorder level and required quantities are shown.

It also shows which items you need to re-order, based on your re-order levels. This can be shown in two ways:

  • Based on the number of items in stock, both allocated and unallocated. This is the default.
  • Based on your free stock levels, unallocated only. Select Free stock against re-order level in the criteria.
  Stock Expected In and Out Shows the number of stock items you'll have left after items on order are received and stock is allocated. This adds the current stock level to the on order quantity, then minuses the allocated stock.
  Negative Stock Levels Shows a list of stock items that have a negative stock level and which customer or supplier the items have been despatched to.
  Levels By Buying Price

This shows all the cost prices for the items you have in stock and number of items bought at that price.

Note: Items with a negative stock level aren't shown.


Shows the value of your stock. This is the current stock level multiplied by the cost price.

The cost price is calculated differently depending the costing method of the stock item. See Stock valuation.

  Outstanding Allocations Shows the number of items allocated and awaiting despatch, who they're allocated to and the order number where applicable.
  Date of Last Sale Shows you the current stock level for each item per warehouse and the date the items were last despatched.
Below Re-order Level

Below Re-order Level (Alternatives)

Below Re-order Level (Supplier)

Shows all the stock items that need re-ordering - i.e. fallen below their re-order level. Stock items are grouped by warehouse and product group.

You can choose whether to include all items or only those that need re-ordering.

Note: Only items which have a re-order level set are shown. i.e. the re-order level at least one warehouse is more than 0.00.

There are two versions of the report:

  • Alternatives - shows you any alternative items set for the item.
  • Suppliers - shows you any preferred supplier set for the item.
Period Profit

Period Profit

Shows you the total profit you've made from the sale of individual stock items. Two profit figures are show; this period and last period.

The value of the sale and purchase of stock items is accumulated by Sage 200, and shows as your This period figure. You can choose to change it manually, using the Reset Trading Periods screen. Once you do this the value bought and sold this period is added to the Last period figures, and the This period figure is reset to 0.

Profit By

Profit By Customer (Detailed)

Profit By Customer (Summary)

Profit By Stock Item (Detailed)

Profit By Stock Item (Summary)

Displays the profit made on sales of stock items by customer or by stock item. You can see this per sale (Detailed) or as a total (Summary).

There are two version of the reports:

  • By customer - shows you the total profit made on the sale of all items to individual customers.
  • By stock Item - shows you the total profit made on sales per item. This is also totalled per product group.


Report Type Report Description

Stock items

Shows you a list of all stock items, arranged by product group.

Also displays the unit, stocktake cycle and manufacturer details.


Stock Items with a Supplier

This report additionally shows the supplier linked to the stock item. You can choose to only display items with preferred suppliers.
  Product Groups Shows a list of all product groups with their type and costing method.
  Locations Shows a list of warehouses and their bins
  Stock Item Analysis Codes

Shows a list of stock item analysis codes and their values.

It only includes analysis codes where you have changed the label. Analysis codes with the default label of Analysis Code 1 and so on, are not included.

  Stock Items with Analysis Codes Shows the analysis codes values set on each stock item. Stock items where values are not assigned are not included.
  Stock Bar Code Labels

Prints a bar code label for each stock item with a bar code specified.

This prints using Format 39 barcodes by default. You can change this in Report Designer if required.

See How to set up and print labels.

Cross-selling Stock Items with Cross-selling Items

Use this report to view stock items that have associated cross-selling items. The report lists individual stock items with their cross-selling items.

See Cross-selling stock items.

Cross-selling Cross-selling Items Use this report to view stock items that are cross-selling items. The report lists stock items which are cross-selling items, and the stock items they are associated with.
  Customer Preferred Items Use this report to view preferred items for each customer account.


Report Type Report Description
Transaction History

Transactions History Detailed

Simple Transaction History

Shows you a list of all stock movements per stock item.

This can also be seen on the Stock History Enquiry screen.

There are two versions:

  • Detailed - shows you all movements and adjustments.
  • Simple - just shows you the actual stock movements.
  No Transaction History Shows a list of stock items that have not been included in any transactions.
Sales History Sales History Shows you a list of all sales (and returns) per stock item.
Cost History

Average Cost History

Standard Cost History

Shows the when the average and standard cost price of your stock items was updated.


Report Type Report Description
  Stocktake Required

Shows you all items due for a stock take based on the Intended stocktake date entered on the criteria.

Use this to help you plan when you need to do a stocktake.

Note: This can only be calculated for items that have a stock take cycle specified on the stock record.

  Stocktake Status Shows how far each stock take is along in the process.
  Items Without Stocktake Shows you all stock items that haven't had a stock take recorded for them in Sage 200.

Bill of Materials

Report Type Report Description
  Component usage

Shows all items that are components of a BOM and which BOM(s) they're included in.

This report is sorted by product group and then by item.

  BOM Components Shows a list of all the components for each BOM and the quantities required.
  BOM build Shows you the details of all items built by build number. Each build is shown on a new page.